
Wondrous signs, marvelous deeds

I celebrated Holy Thursday: The Lord's Supper at St. Anthony's in Mattapoisett, MA where I continue the privileged journey with the parish, the Elect and candidate and the Christian Initiation team. I did not want to disturb the celebration by taking a lot pictures but I did manage to catch a few key moments of several ritual moments. Thanks to the members of the assembly for your patience while I captured these precious shots. Wondrous signs, marvelous deeds. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose cross we glory. Triduum blessings to all. 

Presentation of the sacred oils

Song for the Presentation of Oils (Tune: BEACHSPRING)

Oil of the Sick

God of healing and compassion,heal us body, mind and soul. God of hope, of peace and freedom, bless the sick and make them whole. 


Oil of healing, oil of victory, oil of wisdom, you we claim; gathered in the name of Jesus and anointed in God's name. 

Oil of Catechumens

God of wisdom, hope and freedom, God of victory, God of strength; give protection to believers, as believers we are sent. 

Sacred Chrism

Oil of joy, born of the Spirit, oil of wisdom, peace and light; give your gifts, O Spirit-Giver, we are sealed in your delight. 

So you must do. 

Mandatum"So when he had washed their feet and put his garments back on and reclined at table again, he said to them, “Do you realize what I have done for you?
You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’ and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.”Jn13: 1-15


Father Paul Caron washes both feet of people who sit dispersed within the assembly and throughout the church. Their seats are marked with a wheat sheaf so that he can find them wherever they sit. 

Elect continue to reflect on word and ritual as they dismiss with their team leadersAlmost but not yet: Dismissal of the Elect

Father Caron quoted Pope Francis I in his homily tonight, saying that this night was all about love from the heart as we become Christ in service to one another. 

Actions speak. Bending low is the sign of a eucharistic people who become Christ's body in the world. These rituals that we celebrate become part of our memory. What we do here tonight is all about memory. We do this in memory of Jesus to become his active love of service, becoming eucharist enfleshed in his flesh for the life of the world.

Amen, amen, amen.  

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    The wonder sciences are to be under. These all purposes are to be various techniques. These are the main causes of the improving in the same time.

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