
What is a Chrism Mass? 

Oils awaiting blessing, Diocese of Fall River, MAThe Chrism Mass is a celebration of the unity of the local church and filled with beautiful texts that honor the various orders of liturgical and ministerial service. It is at this liturgy on a day after Palm Sunday that the oils are blessed and consecrated for sacramental service by the local bishop. "Chrism" is a Greek word that means "an anointing." 

The Chrism Mass is a celebration of the unity of the local church and filled with beautiful texts that honor the various orders of liturgical and ministerial service. It is at this liturgy on a day after Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion that the oils are blessed and consecrated for sacramental service by the local bishop. 

There are three kinds of sacred oils. All of them symbolically rehearse the work of the Spirit of God in sacred oil that serves to sweeten, to strengthen and to render supple Christian disciples. The three holy oils are:

The Oil of Catechumens ("Oleum Catechumenorum" or "Oleum Sanctum") used in baptism along with water, in the consecration of churches, in the blessing of altars, in the ordination of priests. A sign of royalty, this oil marks us as a royal, chosen people of God.

The Holy Chrism ("Sanctum Chrisma") or "Oil of Gladness," which is olive oil mixed with a small amount of sweet balm or balsam. St. Paul reminds us “we are the aroma of Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:15). Chrism is used in confirmation, baptism, in the consecration of a Bishop, the consecration of churches and makes sacred all of those elements that we find in churches: the door, the ambo, the altar, the font, the paschal candle…. the material elements needed for worship.

The Oil of the Sick ("Oleum Infirmorum") is used to anoint the sick, to heal and strengthen the infirmed throughout their illness and in some cases, prepare them to meet God face to face as they move from this earthly life to the next.

The sacred oils are kept in chrismatories, vessels that hold the oils and stored in a cabinet called an ambry. 

Blessing of the Oil of Catechumens

Lord God, protector of all who believe in you, bless + this oil and give wisdom and strength to all who are anointed with it in preparation for their baptism. Bring them to a deeper understanding of the gospel, help them to accept the challenge of Christian living, and lead them to the joy of new birth in the family of your Church. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Consecration of Chrism

After breathing over the open vessel of chrism and recalling scriptural images of the tradition of anointing with holy oil, the bishop and all concelebrants extend their hand toward the chrism throughout the following prayer: 

And so, Father, we ask you to bless + this oil you have created. Fill it with the power of your Holy Spirit through Christ your Son. It is from him that chrism takes its name and with chrism you have anointed for yourself priests and kings, prophets and martyrs. Make this chrism a sign of life and salvation for those who are to be born again in the waters of baptism. Make them temples of your glory, radiant with the goodness of life that has its source in you. Through this sign of chrism grant them royal priestly, and prophetic honor and clothe them with incorruption. Let this be indeed the chrism of salvation for those who will be born again of water and the Holy Spirit. May they come to share eternal life in the glory of your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Custom also plays out in the renewal of priestly promises by the presbyters who celebrate Chrism Mass with their local bishop. Here's the text from that ritual:  

Renewal of Commitment to Priestly Service

Bishop: My brothers, today we celebrate the memory of the first Eucharist, at which our Lord Jesus Christ shared with his apostles and with us his call to the priestly service of his Church.  Now, in the presence of your bishop and God's holy people, are you ready to renew your own dedication to Christ as priests of his new covenant?
Priests: I am.
Bishop: At your ordination you accepted the responsibilities of the priesthood out of love for the Lord Jesus and his Church.  Are you resolved to unite yourselves more closely to Christ and to try to become more like him by joyfully sacrificing your own pleasure and ambition to bring his peace and love to your brothers and sisters?
Priests: I am.
Bishop: Are you resolved to be faithful ministers of the mysteries of God, to celebrate the Eucharist and the other liturgical services with sincere devotion?  Are you resolved to imitate Jesus Christ, the head and shepherd of the Church, by teaching the Christian faith without thinking of your own profit, solely for the well-being of the people you were sent to serve?
Priests: I am.
Then the bishop addresses the assembly:
Bishop: My brothers and sisters, pray for your priests.  Ask the Lord to blesss them with the fullness of his love, to help them be faithful ministers of Christ the High Priest, so that they will be able to lead you to him, the fountain of your salvation.
Assembly: Lord Jesus Christ, hear us and answer our prayer.
Bishop: Pray also for me that despite my own unworthiness I may faithfully fulfill the office of apostle which Jesus Christ has entrusted to me.  Pray that I may become more like our High Priest and Good Shepherd, the teacher and servant of all, and so be a genuine sign of Christ's loving presence among you.
Assembly: Lord Jesus Christ, hear us and answer our prayer.
Bishop: May the Lord in his love keep you close to him always, and may he bring all of us, his priests and people, to eternal life.
All: Amen.


To all who helped to prepare and celebrate Chrism Mass in each diocese a rich experience, thank you.

"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. One and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes." Corinthians 1: 12

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